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Aryan Idols and the Search for Indo-Europeans

14 May 2024 at 13:48


Purpose of this article

Almost 2 years ago I wrote an article called Aryan Right-Wing Mythology for the New Age based on the work of Robert Ellwood (The Politics of Myth). In it Ellwood showed the conservative nature of popular mythologists Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade and Joseph Campbell. My purpose was to show how the naïve New Age movement took these mythologists to be liberal in spite of their conservative and even proto-fascist leanings. All three mythologists were writing from the early to the middle part of the 20th century. In this article I want to trace the history of right-wing mythology back 200 years. For this task I will be relying on two great books. One is Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science by Stefan Arvidsson; the other is Theorizing Myth by Bruce Lincoln.

In search for the Indo-Europeans

Why explore a lost culture with little evidence to go on? From the early 19th  century to the end of World War II historians, linguists, folklorists and archeologists have tried to re-create a lost culture, a people older than the Sumerians. Those scholars who have maintained that this culture existed and have called them “Indo-Europeans;” “Proto-Indo Europeans”, “Aryans” or  “Japhetites”. It was in 1813 that Thomas Young coined the term “Indo-European”.

In Part I of this article I explore those theories that searched for the Indo-Europeans by dissecting language-based on the theories of Sir William Jones and Max Muller. Both these theorists suspected that India was the home of the Indo Europeans. Further on, in the hands of the Grimm Brothers, the search for the Indo-Europeans takes a nationalist turn. Finally, neo-traditional religion supports the vitality of chthonic earth gods. Lastly, I discuss the impact of racial anthropology in which the search for Indo-Europeans is now based on the climate of the area, the skin color and brain size of people in these cultures.

Part II continues this rightward turn in Indo European studies with explicitly fascist direction. Following Arvidsson, I contrast the difference between the “order” theorists and the more “barbarophilism” as they affect the rise of Hitler. India falls out of favor as the home of the Indo-Europeans and is replaced by Germany.

But later, following Bruce Lincoln we find a French fascism smuggled into the work of the great French comparative mythologist, Georges Dumezil. I close with a brief presentation of the fascist work of Roger Pearson in his efforts to carry Indo-European studies right into second half of the 19th century. By way of conclusion, I present comparative mythologist Bruce Lincoln’s ten methodological steps to be sure that the political use of mythology does not interfere with the science of comparative mythology.

Who were the Indo-European scholars and what were their methodological problems?

Interestingly, supporters for the discovery of IE culture were a multidisciplinary lot. They consisted of historians of religions like Mircea Eliade, Jan de Vries, Jacob Grimm, Frederic Max Muller; historians such as Georges Duby and Jacques Le Goff; anthropologists such as Claude Levi Strauss and Marshall Sahlins; archeologists like Gordon Childe; sociologists like Georges Dumezil. Others included Franz Bopp, Ernest Renan and Emile Benveniste.

The problem for these scholars was that Indo-Europeans have not left behind any texts and no objects that can definably be tied to them. Given these problems, why did these scholars not give up and turn their attention to other excavations? Why did they persist under these difficult conditions? The answer Stefan Arvidsson gives is that most of these scholars did so for religious and political/ideological reasons.

I The Ideological Origins of the Search for Indo-Europeans 

Anthropology typically examines the similarities and differences between cultures. Yet anthropologists are affected by the political climate of their countries. In European colonial times of the late 18th century, there was little to gain by elites for pursuing the Enlightenment dream of finding a universality of all cultures. Instead, religious and political zealots look for differences to justify the subjugation of these countries. The ancient history of the supposed Indo-Europeans became the proof that one branch of humanity was destined to exploit and rule the others. Mythology became an ideology to justify conquest. As Arvidsson pointed out, romantics like Chateaubriand, and Joseph de Maistre stressed importance of Laws of Manu found in India as a justification for a tripart conservative ideology as we will see later.

Indo-European “Aryan” studies were appropriated at an early stage by racial science. British archeologist Colin Renfrew has concluded from his own research that the research in IE is itself a modern myth. They included those who want to rekindle the old pre-Christian IE or Aryan paganism. Even as late as 1940-44 the most important dividing line among Europe’s inhabitants were between Aryans and Semites. After the fall of Germany in World War II “Aryan” was replaced by “Indo European” because post-war scholarship was dominated by Dumezil who never spoke about “Aryan religion”. Today the term is only used by Neo-Nazis.

Why was it so important for Germany to search for a culture of its origins? Unlike Britain, France or Spain there was no Germany until the end of the 18th century. The usual process of nation-building involved a reference to an ancient geographical homeland as well as an ancient religion. In this climate of imperial ambitions, Germany had neither, so it set out to discover one.

 II Discovery of Sanskrit

Sir William Jones

The Romantic use of language interpreted by various peoples who spoke IE languages made them have an organic unity and had a common fate. They claimed that all people who spoke IE had also inherited a common belief system. IE scholars like Bryant and Jones attempted to find similarities in the myths and god figures and found traces of these beliefs in at least four places: Roman texts, Greek myths, Indian hymns and Norse saga literature. 

Bruce Lincoln, in his great book Theorizing Myth says Sir William Jones (1746-1794), established himself as one of the world’s foremost linguists with a grasp of Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Turkish along with a knowledge of Persian and Arabic. He was a scholar, poet and translator sympathetic to the most liberal causes of his day. By a series of occupational happenstances, this led him to study Sanskrit.

In 1785 he gave a lecture in which he proposed the common origin of the languages (Sanskrit) to which others would later derive and give the name “Aryan”. Jones discovered the similarities between Latin and Greek European languages and the Sanskrit and Persian languages which were termed “linguistic families”. The Bhagavad Gita was translated by Jones along with The Laws of Manu. India was assumed to be the oldest member of that group.

Jones focused on four specific domains of culture a) language and letters b) philosophy and religion c) architecture and sculpture d) science and arts. In his discussion of an evaluation basing his judgments on what he took to be levels of accomplishment, he considered India first among the nations and evaluated it most favorably. He connected the peoples of India and Iran on the basis of their linguistic, religious and artistic similarities.

Romanticism and India

Interest in Sanskrit exploded. Herder (1744-1803) was the first to spread the doctrine of Indomania in German. He thought it was one of the most important steps in the development of the human race. Raymond Schwab referred to the period around 1800 as an “Oriental Renaissance”. Schlegel’s book in 1808 made the case for India as the Aryan homeland. In the translation of the Laws of Manu, the word “Aryan” means noble. The plot thickens.

For romantics the idealization of India served both as a protest against and an escape from the contemporary world that seemed like a confident march of progress. Threatened by rationalism, mechanistic science, materialistic anthropology, anti-aristocratic politics and watered down theology Romantics made India a mystical unity that did away with interdisciplinary European conflicts. While the Enlightenment advocated a contractual right of man, German Romantics argued that human races are an organic part of the natural world with India as its model. Poets such as Shelley, Lord Byron and Schopenhauer attempted to synthesize India with European thinking.

Paris was the Mecca of Orientalism during the 1830s-1840s and it was hoped that studying Sanskrit would liberate scholars from their preoccupation with Greece and Rome. For some time, ancient India became the imagined home of Indo-Europeans. The attractive power of this world grew in 1819 through the writings of Frederic Schlegel, who attempted to build a comparative linguistics (1767-1845) along with von Humboldt and Jacob Grimm (1785-1863). Like many to come, Herder believed that Asia was the original home of human unity.

The discovery of IE language transformed India, Persia and Central Asia as a kind of European Orient. Thomas Trautmann writes that Jones’ work is nothing less than a project to make the new Orientalism safe for Anglicans. Interest in India was popularized by the historian of religion, Max Muller. What we are interested in is the relationship of that discovery to political interests of colonial British rule in the late 18th and 19th centuries. 

Language mediates how nature grows in culture

For Romantics, language was the most basic expression of the soul of a people and is the foundation for musical and artistic traditions as well as social laws. The study of the origin of language (philology) was the cornerstone in the 19th century of research in the search for Indo-Europeans. Language became the vehicle through which nature grows through people.

 For Hamann and Herder, the ancient vernacular of languages and literature — poetry and myth – was a prime basis of national identity. Each language embodied the history of the people who spoke it. Each language had a basis in poetry and music far deeper than the degraded prose of modernity. For Herder, the formation of culture consisted of 4 parts:

  • A variety of climates — heat and cold have an impact on the disposition of customs and bodies. Climate first produces change at the body’s most superficial level. Over long periods of time the effects penetrate deeper to transform skeletal structure and even the shape of the skull and nose
  • The landscape – the features of individuals in a culture are brought into line with the features of the landscape.
  • Language impacts thought and social relations.Language impacts thought and social relations.
  • The arts through music and dance.

III Max Muller and the Birth of Comparative Religion

Comparative religion as rooted in linguistics

As a philologist, Max Muller believed that religion is tightly linked to linguistic groups. Muller thought the only scientific way of classifying religion was by language. He raised the question that if the belief in God arises naturally, why are there such different religious types? In order to explain the origins of myths he founded the discipline of comparative mythology.

Primitive religion was monotheist and rooted in sun-worship

Which natural phenomenon had been the most prominent in catalyzing the mythopoetic imagination? Was it thunder and lightning, earthquakes, volcanos or the sun and dawn? Muller suspected that primitive religion was monothetic and this divine creator had originated from humanity’s encounter with forces of nature. However, it was not the wildest and most unpredictable events but it was the ones which were the most persistent and reliable. He thought the light of the sun fit the bill. Muller hoped to find traces of the original experience of the infinite among the oldest and most primitive peoples. He believed that the origin of monotheism was India. In the hopes of finding the monotheistic roots of India, he translated the Rigveda.

Use and abuse of myth: history of myth

According to Bruce Lincoln, the word “myth” has been used in many ways depending on the historical period. Myth had been used originally in early Greek times to mean a primordial truth or a sacred story. It gradually became discredited with the rise of the Pre-Socrates and dismissed by the Romans as a “fable”. Christianity saw myth as a lie and set them in dualistic opposition to the non-mythic bible. With the rise of science myth was seen as either a sign of ignorance, the result of poetic revelry or a children’s story. Resurrected by the romantics in the 19th century, it became politicized and used to assist in the building of nation-states. In the 20th century it helped to build support for the wave of fascism in the 20th century.

Muller sees myth as degenerative

Muller was a modernist Protestant. He was not a romantic when it came to myths. He found myth irrational and immoral. Muller agreed the IE mythology was a poetic explanation of nature.  But if Vedic India was equal to the West, what kept India economically and politically backward? Unlike Nietzsche and other romantics, Muller saw myth not as a foundation of all religion but as a source of religious degeneration. Like Hamann and Herder, he took poetry to be present from human origins and to reflect an innate religious awareness. Myth was a later development, a disease of language. The Jews, Muslims and Christians as staunch monotheists, were less disposed to the seductions of myth.

Muller and British colonialism

Muller hoped to influence a change in British colonial politics. He wanted to make the British colonists understand that their Indian subjects were Aryan brothers. During a long degeneration, Indian religion withered while Europeans grew and matured into monotheism.  Muller hoped that the people of India would leave behind worship of idols if they received knowledge about the old Aryan Vedic religion.

IV Romantics Champion Myth and Folklore to Build Nationalism

At the end of the 18th century romanticism turned its back on the Enlightenment, especially its more deterministic tendencies. Myth was given a new lease on life. People such as Jones saw myth symbolically as veiled wisdom which simply needed to be first interpreted and then explained. Interest in the vernaculars (local language) displaced the international languages of church and court while myths and, to a lesser extent, folk songs were constitutive as an authentic primordial voice of the volk.

The use of myth at the end of the 18th century was also used by nationalists in their search for a language and set of stories on which the emergence of the nation-state could be founded. In the hands of the Brothers Grimm and others this is exactly what happened. The Grimm’s monumental research shows a Herderian interest in language and myth. They devoted themselves to the first encyclopedic compendium of German myths of 4 volumes. The Grimms argued that it was the conversion to Christianity that shattered the nexus of land-myth and folk. Myth then became entangled with attempts to contrast Aryans and Semites, as we shall see.

Grimm stirs the use of folklore to build nationalism

For the brothers Grimm, prehistory was not a period of dark barbarism but a high cultural golden age. The recovery of ancient texts during the Renaissance included Tacitus’ Germania, first published in 1457.  It dealt with the German sense of honor and integrity, their physical prowess, their courage and sense of  beauty. They were received with enthusiasm by the people of Northern Europe, in part because Tacitus broke the Mediterranean monopoly on antiquity by giving the Germans, Scandinavians, Dutch and Anglo Saxons their first sense of the prestige derived from a deep and noble past.

Grimm (1785 – 1863) gathered folktales from German peasants in order to recreate a strong German culture. He wanted to find rich German stories that could successfully compete with classical Judeo-Christian traditions  He hoped that within the surface of folktales searchers  he could find traces of a German mythopoetic prehistory. Theorists of Northern origins challenged the Bible, for orthodox religion looked to Israel as the cradle of language. Grimm’s work spread and scholars began to record tales and customs of their society. Nationalist motives were always in the search for myths whether they were folktales or rituals.

 V From Modernist to Neo-Traditional Religion: Fall of Nature Mythology of Max Muller

Modernist theories of religion see the modernization process, including science, as part of the evolution of religion. The focus of religious experience is the individual. Modernist theories of religion look for a common core in all religion and its practices involve ethics and prayer. Modernists understand animism and polytheism as late degenerate forms of primitive monotheist tendency. To study non-modern cultures it focuses the language, and it studies myth. Max Muller was a modernist.

Capitalist class rejects modernist religious interpretations

Bruce Lincoln points out that when the bourgeois class at the end of the 19th  century became the ruling class, it grew all the more skeptical about modernization. One of the reasons was that more radical modernists, social democrats, communists, anarchists and union members became interested in these subjects. Events that shook bourgeois idealism and liberal humanism were the real threat of socialism as seen in the Paris Commune. Between 1880-1920, the bourgeois class became a dominating class whose interest in social change decreased, and the relationship between a civilized bourgeoisie and a barbaric working-class now became more important than the relationship between the bourgeois class and a reactionary aristocracy and priesthood which the bourgeoisie had defeated. In reaction, the bourgeois became conservative, nostalgic and nationalistic.  Correspondingly, the image of IE as cultural heroes changed from a modernist to a neo-traditionalist. But what does neo-traditionalist mean?

What is neo-traditional religion?

Neo-traditional ideals of religion want to recreate a vitalized traditional religion that could serve as a counterbalance to modernization (Muller). Von Schroder, a Baltic German Indologist, wants to renew folk-national, heathen rituals. Scholars like Lang, Von Schroeder, Harrison, Mauss and Eliade think that modernization has been chocked full of what is most vital in religion which was its magical, communitarian and collective rituals. What makes religion vital is what makes religion locally dispersed. Rather than ethics and prayer, what makes religion juicy is its altered states. Animism and polytheism are not only prior to monotheism, but once monotheism comes to power the part of religion that speaks to most people is chocked off. Further, evolutionary anthropologists claimed as Muller’s theories were no more than Christian crypto-apologetics. Frazer’s theories of ancient religion were an attempt to replace Muller’s philological paradigm with an evolutionist and folkloristic theory.

Jane Harrison and the chthonic roots of Olympian Greece religion

Beyond anthropology, the importance of ritual as opposed to myth was embraced by classicists like Jane Harrison (1850-1928), Francis Cornford (1874-1943) and the Cambridge ritualists. Jane Harrison argued chthonic religion had been the true religion of Greece up to the 7th  century BCE. With the Olympians’ victory over the Pelasgian religion, reflection, distinction and clarity triumph over pulsing life. She held that myth arose as an attempt to explain well-entrenched and no longer understood rites.

 VI Aryan Studies Turn Rightward at the End of the 19th Century

Aryan liberal romanticism, which began with Jones, had weakened substantially by 1870. Yet the search for the Aryans grew, with input from Michelet, Fichte, Lasson and Hubert on the left and Renan, Schlegel and Wagner on the right.

Right-wing transitions to Aryanism

On the right, Renan idealized the polytheism of the IE. He constructed a long-lived opposition between IE and Semitic people. He connected the Biblical Shem’s line with monotheistic intolerance, egotism, conservatism, otherworldliness, irrational rituals along with lack of feeling for art and nature. For conservatives, the Jews promoted modernism. From 1870 on IE became connected with anti-Semitism.

Schlegel questions whether the French Revolution really was, along with its cosmopolitan and humanistic optimism, about progress. Becoming a Catholic, he came to embrace a nationalistic, reactionary and pessimistic world view.  In circles close to Schlegel people began for the first time to value the Middle Agesmore highly.


Wagner greatly admired Grimm for all his work on folktales. He sought to connect the Volk through art rather than scholarship. According to Wagner, a total work of art would integrate music, poetry, dance, theatrical spectacle, the plastic arts and architecture. This integration of all the arts would undermine the shallowness of modernism, and rejuvenate an appreciation of folk, where the arts and rituals were once one.

Wagner worked on his materials over the next thirty years into the four dramas of The Ring Circle. This was intended as a ritual celebration, not a theatrical performance. He claimed that both the science and art of today are specialization of activities that were once unified. He believed this appreciation of the beauty of nature could arise only out of polytheism. That Wagner traced the origins of the German Volk to India shows that he understood them as part of the Aryan Diaspora.

The place and misplace of Nietzsche in Aryan politics

For Nietzsche, myth was a necessary foundation for all religion. In his earlier writings on myth, he took Wagner’s theories as his point of departure, especially in his book Birth of Tragedy. But in his later life Nietzsche disliked the vulgar antisemitism and German nationalism of Wagner. Nietzsche threw in the towel with Wagner after The Ring premiere at Bayreuth. Nevertheless Nietzsche’s training was in classical philology and he was well-versed with research in Indo-European linguistics and myth and undertook his own studies. He was not dependent on Wagner for this.

Nietzsche has been mistakenly categorized as antisemitic, especially in liberal and socialist circles. But as Walter Kaufman pointed out many years ago in his great biography of Nietzsche, Nietzsche’s work was taken over by his sister who had fascist connections so that his work was pulverized to make it fit with Nazi ideology.

Bruce Lincoln gives us at least four reasons why Nietzsche was not antisemitic or a proponent of fascism:

  • Nietzsche’s “blond beast” is not a special race but a category that encompasses multiple races, including Greeks and Japanese. However, he gave them further consideration. His detailed discussion was all devoted to the Greeks and the Germans.
  • Soon after Nietzsche wrote Genealogy of Morals he came upon the Laws of Manu, an ancient Indian text on the ethics, law and social structure of India. Nietzsche admired the original religion and culture in India. While all the world’s people originated in India, he thought those of the West-Egyptians and Europeans came from the higher castes and it was for them that was reserved the title “Indo-Europeans”. While Nietzsche showed racial bias it was towards Europeans and Egyptians, not Germans.
  • Nietzsche drew a sharp distinction between ancient and modern Germans. Ancient Germans (based on the work of Tacitus) had freedom and energy, but modern Germans did not, having become ever less Aryan and ever less barbaric. Therefore, Nietzsche saw nothing in the Germans of his time that was noteworthy.
  • The Nazis were antisemitic – Nietzsche was anti-Christian. His early antipathy toward the Jews and Judaism was gradually attenuated and balanced by a growing, occasionally grudging, respect. Instead he become mercilessly more critical of Christianity. Everything wrong in Judaism was amplified and exacerbated in Christianity. The criticism he had of the Jews was that they were the first weak Christians, not that they had any of the other characteristics that fascists attributed to them. His most acidic systematic criticisms, his theory of resentment was leveled at Christianity not Judaism. Christianity is treated as the extreme form of all that is sickeningly present in Judaism.

VII) Racial Anthropology

As we’ve seen, the first Indo-European studies were grounded in linguistic observations. Max Muller equated linguistic affinity with ethnic affinity as opposed to physical appearance. In retrospect, he rightfully saw language, religion and nationality as independent of blood, skull or hair color. Jones also did not think skin color was important. However, both scholars’ contention was increasingly isolated and drowned out. The issue was how to measure being Indo-European.  Did one belong with those who spoke related languages and are considered to have a similar culture, or with those who looked similar?

During the 19th century racial anthropologists began to discuss IE, threatening the proprietorship of linguists. Instead of the study of religion, language and folklore to find the origins of Indo-Europeans, the new school focused on differences between people in material and physical characteristics and their geographical location. Racial anthropologists argued that people’s physical appearance could directly explain their degree of civilization. They debated which race was the original one and whether other races were the result of evolution or degeneration. They thought pure races were more fit than mixed ones. Racial anthropology became a study of signs where the internal moral and cultural states could be interpreted from external physical signs.

Climate, skin color and physique

According to Tacitus, the German climate is harsh and damper in the North and West, windier in the South and East. The cold and damp character of the Northern environment impressed itself on the bodies of those who live there. Bruce Lincoln says the whiteness of the cold must have scorched the Indo-Europeans and produced their red color. From mid-19th century, the empirical methods of racial anthropologists were improved to measurement of skin color and the size of skulls and noses. Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) argued that Aryans could be identified by their long skulls, blond hair and blue eyes. In his more extreme moments, Carus associated blond hair with the color of the sun and blue eyes with that of the sky, which identified Aryans as day people in contrast to the darker, lesser races.

The changing meaning of “barbarians”

Bourgeois humanists before 1870 looked down on barbarians for having had destroyed classical Rome. But as romanticism gained hold of bourgeois ideology, barbarian invasions were seen in a more positive light. As European romantics grew more cynical of the benefits of civilization and they studied the decline of other world civilizations and tumultuous migrations, the violence of the barbarians seemed to be necessary steps in a process of revitalization. Over a period of time from 1870, the barbarian origin of Europe changed from having been a source of guilt and shame to being something honorable.

The right turn against India

A racial anthropology of India begins in 1840s. It was discovered that not all Indian languages were Sanskrit.  South Indians had Dravidian language roots. From this, John Stevenson developed the racial theory of Indian civilization. According to him Indian races were divided into Aryans and Dravidians. It was thought the caste society was developed as a protective mechanism against racial mixing. In other words, violence was justified as a means of maintaining racial purity. This theoretical framework served to legitimatize British colonialization. The relations of the British as a new invader into India was  only the latest version of a hierarchical order that had existed thousands of years before. These vital colonizers had no use for romanticizing India.

Arthur de Gobineau and Germany as the proposed new home of Indo-Europeans

Scholars like Gobineau, Chamberlain and Paul Broca described Indo-Europeans as blond, blue-eyed and tall with straight noses, a straight profile and long narrow skulls. In their hands, Indo-Europeans were no longer a large group of different people who spoke IE languages but a delineated group of people with defined physical characteristics.

According to Gobineau, what happened in India was that white Aryans became brown and their culture and religion had degenerated into Hinduism. This racist historiography was also backed up by philological interpretations of India’s oldest source, the text the Rigveda as an interpretation of the description of the Aryan Dravidian conflict. Gobineau’s moral of history claimed that when whites racially mix their superior civilization degenerates Indo-Europeans were  looking  less and less like Indians and Iranians and more and more like Germans. Led by Renan, the culture that was Indo-European was no longer to be discovered in West Asia but ultimately in Germany. Wagner was friends with Gobineau and tried to make de Gobineau’s theories less pessimistic and more antisemitic. Wagner’s son-in-law was Houston Chamberlain (1855-1927) whose book in 1899 was the foundation text for the development of Nazi ideology.

Please see my table which compares the framework for the changing meaning of Indo-Europeans.

Changing Meaning of Indo-European –19th-20th Centuries

Second-Half of 19th century Time period Early 20th century
Rising bourgeoisie Situation of the bourgeoisie Declining Attempted imperialism
Liberal values and humanistic ideals of science Political views Neo-traditionalist ideas
No Anti-Semitic and sometimes anti-Christian but not connected to a racial ideology Is there a racial ideology? Yes. Connected to racial ideology John Stephenson on racial anthropology in India: Aryans vs Dravidians
 Muller, Jones Theoreticians Renan, Stephenson (India)
They were heroic, idealistic free thinking and rational humanists who fought against despotic power and antiquated customs The stories told of Indo-Europeans Stories of how Indo-European colonizers in ancient times conquered dark primitive original population (Stephenson)
Civilized India, Iran Where Indo-Europeans came from Barbarian Germanic, Nordic
Comparative linguistics What was used to measure differences? Physical criteria – long, narrow skull, blond hair blue eyes Gobineau
Extraordinary language and culture Why were Indo-Europeans successful? (Violence) No racial mixing


Fought against backward superstition What did the Indo-Europeans do? They were a regeneration and revitalizing growth movement
Originally monotheists Animism and polytheism is degenerate Religious origin Originally animists and polytheists Monotheists degenerative
Shameful for barbarians having destroyed ancient Rome Attitude towards the barbarians Necessary for clearing out the rot of modern life
Humble monotheists   Proud pagans who don’t bend their knees
The post Aryan Idols and the Search for Indo-Europeans first appeared on Dissident Voice.

An Army And Country At Their End

14 May 2024 at 13:10

Guest Post by Moon of Alabama

Stephen Byren writes, correctly, that the purpose of the Russian offensive towards Kharkiv is to disintegrate the Ukrainian army:

To my mind, Russia’s objective is to force Ukraine’s army to chase after invading Russian units. The idea is to cause heavy casualties on the Ukrainian side and, if all goes according to plan, either to split Ukraine’s army into two, or disintegrate it altogether.In such a manner the idea is not just to take territory but to destroy Ukraine’s ability to resist. There are many indicators that Russia is having success in the ongoing operation.

General Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence agency, (which includes foreign fighters and Nazis units,) agrees to that. He paints an bleak picture (archived):

Like most Ukrainian officials and military experts, General Budanov said he believes the Russian attacks in the northeast are intended to stretch Ukraine’s already thin reserves of soldiers and divert them from fighting elsewhere.That is exactly what is happening now, he acknowledged. He said the Ukrainian army was trying to redirect troops from other front line areas to shore up its defenses in the northeast, but that it had been difficult to find the personnel.

“All of our forces are either here or in Chasiv Yar,” he said, referring to a Ukrainian stronghold about 120 miles farther south that Russian troops have assaulted in recent weeks. “I’ve used everything we have. Unfortunately, we don’t have anyone else in the reserves.”

The Ukrainian military has pulled out parts of various brigades that are engaged in the east and is moving them north towards the Kharkiv region. This will be a hodgepodge of partly filled battalions without a unified command and with nothing left to stuff any holes elsewhere.

Budanov correctly fears that Russian can and will repeat this game in other places:

General Budanov said he expected the attacks in the Kharkiv region to last another three or four days, after which Russian forces are expected to make a hard push in the direction of Sumy, a city about 90 miles to the northwest of Kharkiv. Ukrainian officials have previously said that Russia had massed troops across the border from Sumy.Pavlo Velycho, a Ukrainian officer operating near the Russian border in the Sumy region, said that Russian shelling of the outskirts of Sumy had recently increased.

The Russian forces can easily progress because the money allocated for fortifications in the Kharkiv and Sumy regions was paid to fictitious companies without any trenches ever being build (machine translation):

Multi-million contracts for the construction of fortifications, for which they spent a total of 7 billion hryvnias there, were transferred by the Kharkiv OVA to front companies of avatars.

It so happened that the department of the Kharkiv OVA for defense purchases chose newly registered no-name firms and FOPs. Moreover, the owners of these firms do not resemble successful businessmen and businesswomen-they have dozens of court cases, from whiskey theft to domestic violence against their husband and mother, some of them are deprived of parental rights and have had enforcement proceedings for loans in banks.Another interesting detail-it seems that these beneficiaries do not even know that they are millionaires. After all, they continue to work in shifts” in the fields ” and factories.

The U.S. obviously fears that the Ukrainian army will not be able to hold its lines. Today Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived on an unannounced visit in Kiev to shore up moral, or probably to arrange for a change in Ukraine’s leadership:

Blinken, who arrived in Kyiv by train early on Tuesday morning, hopes to “send a strong signal of reassurance to the Ukrainians who are obviously in a very difficult moment,” said a U.S. official who briefed reporters traveling with Blinken on condition of anonymity.”The Secretary’s mission here is really to talk about how our supplemental assistance is going to be executed in a fashion to help shore up their defenses (and) enable them to increasingly take back the initiative on the battlefield,” the official said.

Blinken will reassure Ukrainian officials including President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of enduring U.S. support and deliver a speech focused on Ukraine’s future, the official said.

Blinken and Biden need the Ukrainian army to hold until the November election is over. It is unlikely that they can achieve that aim. Some pause on the battlefield would now be convenient but that requires to get rid of Zelenski.

U.S. media are emphasizing the $60 billion package passed by Congress for Ukraine. They neglect to explain that only $14.5 billion of that is actually going to Ukraine, half of it to keep the state solvent and the other half in form of weapons Ukraine might buy once they are build. The other money is designated to refill the U.S. military stockpile.

The real military help for Ukraine during the next months, in form of artillery and anti-air ammunition, will be minuscule.

There is nothing in there that can defend against the FAB glide bombs the Russian military is using in ever growing numbers to break up Ukrainian positions. The last three days have each seen Ukrainian losses at about 1,500 per day – double the usual count – with most of them occurring on the eastern front, not in the Kharkiv direction.

Currently the replacement rate through Ukrainian mobilization is said to be only 25% of the losses that are actually occurring.

Everyone knows that the war is coming to an end. That there will be a victor, Russia, and a lot of looser. The U.S. as well as the EU are now trying to find a face saving way to acknowledge that without admitting it.

The easiest way will be to blame Ukraine, and especially its President Zelenski, for having not listened to western advice during some of the hotter phases of the war (Bakhmut etc). “We gave them a chance and they blew it,” will soon become the major tenor of official statements.

But in reality there never was a chance for Ukraine to defeat or even to weaken Russia. All numbers, capacities and people, pointed against that. Despite that fact it was pushed to its death by western delusion.

One hopes that its people, and others, will have learned from it.


14 May 2024 at 11:54

Once they can turn the blue into red, all will be well. Understanding this graphic is so easy, a caveman could understand it. But not a liberal Biden voter or paid off politician. Whatever you do, follow the wisdom of Scott Adams:

“White people should get the hell away from black people.”

Via Western Rifle Shooters

VDH: Has America Finally Had It With Joe Biden?

14 May 2024 at 16:20
VDH: Has America Finally Had It With Joe Biden?

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson,

Joe Biden’s personal approval rating is at historic lows; almost all his policies do not poll fifty percent. He is behind Trump in almost all the swing states. And now he lies serially even to sympathetic interviewers. In short, finally Biden has been exposed for what he always was and represented.

Senator and Vice President Joe Biden was always sort of a buffoon. He is by nature a grandstander who handsomely profited from his office while posing as good ole Joe from Scranton.

He is a blowhard meddler, one who proverbially has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades (Robert Gates),” from dissenting on the Bin Laden raid to his trisection of Iraq scheme.

He is a fabulist who believes that the more animated he misleads and slurs (“semi-fascists” “fat”, “lying dog-faced pony soldier”, “chumps”, “dregs of society”, etc), the more likely he is to get away with it. He is a confessed plagiarist. And he has also invented much of his biography, from would be star, college-scholarship athlete and brilliant law student to semi-truck driver and jailed civil rights activist. His uncle, we are instructed, was eaten by cannibals. Joe assures us that he was the first in his family to go to college.

And he is a racist with a repertory of racial taunts and smears unrivaled among modern politicians (“junkie”, “boy”, “you ain’t black”, “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”, “put y’all back in chains”, the Corn Pop and golden-leg hairs sagas, the “racial jungle” memes, the strange brag about Delaware as a “slave state” (e.g., "You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state.”), and his encomia for the old Democratic racists of the Senate from former Klansman Robert Byrd (Biden’s self-described “mentor” and “guide”) to segregationist James Eastland (“never called me boy”).

Biden has always had a mean streak that explains why for years he lied about the tragic, fatal auto accident of his first wife and child, using it to libel the truck driver, who was neither drunk nor culpable but smeared publicly for years by Biden as intoxicated and guilty. For years he ignored the pleas of the trucker’s family to please stop libeling an innocent driver.

Biden just told his greatest whopper that inflation was at 9 percent (actually 1.4 percent) when he took office and yet soon spiked to 9 percent due to his reckless deficit spending and money printing spree.

But recently Biden has reached a nadir and even the Left is resigned to him as a mere construct. After bragging after October 7 that his support for Israel was rock-solid he is now cutting off military aid as it attempts finally to end the Hamas murderous threat—a reversion to old Joe Biden who in his long past has previously threatened to cut off Israel while boasting later that anyone who did so was reprehensible. (Leveraging congressional mandated aid for political advantage is precisely the (false) allegation of politicking that the Democrats demagogued to impeach Trump—to the then cheers of Biden himself).

But his sell out of Israel is but a small tessera in his election pandering mosaic. He will again begin drawing down the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices during the campaign. He has badgered Ukraine not to hit Russian oil facilities. He has illegally forgiven billions in student loan aid to regain the elite youth vote. And as the campaign season begins, so too Biden suddenly poses as a border enforcer—after letting in nearly 10-million illegal aliens.

Biden has always put the agendas of his own and his family above the national interest. We witnessed that when he bragged that he fired the Ukrainian prosecutor looking into his son’s Burisma skullduggery. The Biden consortium is corrupt and was enriched with over $25 million through foreign interests’ assurance that Senator and Vice President Joe Biden would deliver on their quid pro quo investments in him.

Any other major politician who habitually invaded the private space of women and preteens to blow on their hair, gobble their necks, squeeze and hug far too long, and be accused of sexual assault would have long since been cancelled by the left.

Add the old disturbing narrative of a naked Vice President Joe Biden exiting his pool in front of female secret service agents, the showering with his pre-teen daughter, the Frank Biden and Hunter naked selfies, and there seems something eerie among the Biden family.

Despite fierce denials, the entire lawfare scheme directed at Trump originated with the White House. Biden was always said to have been exasperated with Merrick Garland for not hastily enough going after Trump.

The misadventurous Georgia prosecutor Nathan Wade met with and was tutored by the White House counsel’s office. One of the top Biden DOJ prosecutors was dispatched to rescue the bungling Alvin Bragg farce.

Jack Smith, appointed by the Biden DOJ to go after Biden’s 2024 presidential rival, timed his indictments to coincide with the campaign season, even as Smith’s office mishandled classified files taken at Mar-a-Lago to bolster its prosecution—and then lied about it.

Hard-won American deterrence was destroyed by the humiliation in Afghanistan and the lies surrounding the disaster, the Chinese balloon flight and the misinformation about it, the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and on the Red Sea, and the accompanying disinformation from the White House.

Such recklessness abroad is the bookend to the home front where massive borrowing, the destruction of the border, crippling inflation, spiraling crime, and the epidemic of “progressive” anti-Semitism on campuses have made American almost unrecognizable.

Again, at the heart of this Biden catastrophe is the Faustian bargain of 2020 when unelectable leftist candidates dropped out in unison to use a fumbling Biden as their more presentable veneer. So he was foisted upon the nation to serve as “moderate” cover to advance a radical, veritable Obama third-term. In that sense, his duties were ceremonial—as the hard-left channeled through him the most radical agenda in U.S. history, and found his debility and dementia advantageous—the country be damned.

If Biden makes it to and through the convention, he and his record remain indefensible. And so expect his campaign largely to be waged through lawfare against Trump, and massive infusions of leftist cash to ensure record mail-in and early voting. In the campaign Biden will become an afterthought, a ghost, vapor, as his party seeks to construct the entire election one of leftwing, blue-city prosecutors, judges, and juries versus serial defendant Trump.

But will Nemesis first catch up to Biden’s long record of hubris and dishonesty?

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 16:20

Retail Wrecking Crew Hammers Hedgies Again; Stocks/Powell Shrug Off Stagflation Signals

14 May 2024 at 16:00
Retail Wrecking Crew Hammers Hedgies Again; Stocks/Powell Shrug Off Stagflation Signals

Hot PPI initially spooked markets (yields and dollar up, stocks down) but that faded fast (on lower revisions) - but the stag-flation trend continues this week...

Source: Bloomberg

Powell did briefly spook stocks around 1030ET with the following comment:

"it's a possibility - but I dont think it will be the case - that the next action we take will be a rate hike... most likely we will stay the course...."

Between that comment (basically jawboning away any rate hikes) and the CPI-related components within PPI actually looking positive (well actually not positive and thus implying CPI may come softer), we actually saw rate-cut expectations rise today. 2024 now pricing in almost two cuts and 2025 now pricing in just over three cuts...

Source: Bloomberg

Goldman's John Flood noted that trading volumes finally tracking higher +31% vs the 20dma, with ETF’s capturing 25% of the overall tape.

Floor skews +106bps better to buy with HFs +100bps better to buy (squeezes in consumer discretionary + ETF buying driving this) while LOs -300bps better for sale (selling tech + industrials), but overall flows here feel muted.

Another big day for the 'meme stocks'...

Source: Bloomberg

...with AMC and SunPower (among others) joining GameStop

Source: Bloomberg

All of which means that 'indicative' hedge funds were clubbed like a baby seal for the second straight day - down a stunning 15% at the lows of the day...

And that meant several crowded longs (ABDE, V, SHOP) were hit as the squeeze in shorts forced de-grossing overall...

Source: Bloomberg

Small Caps were the winners today (and Dow was the laggard) but all the majors ended higher on the day. The Nasdaq closed at a record high...

The basket of MAG7 stocks broke out to new record highs today...

Source: Bloomberg

Treasury yields kneejerked higher on the PPI print then swiftly reversed to all end lower on the day by 3-4bps...

Source: Bloomberg

The dollar drifted back to the week's lows - after a brief spike higher on PPI...

Source: Bloomberg

The dollar's loss was gold's gain...

Source: Bloomberg

Bitcoin erased yesterday's gains which erased Friday's losses...

Source: Bloomberg

The roller-coaster in crude prices continues - today was back down again, with WTI finding support at $78...

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, spot the odd one out - Nasdaq at record highs while US macro data at its weakest in two years...

Source: Bloomberg

Financial Conditions are as easy as they've been in years...and Fed Funds are at 23 year highs...

Source: Bloomberg

...will you be the greater fool?

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 16:00

Tesla Re-Hires Some Of The 500 Workers It Laid Off Its Supercharging Team

14 May 2024 at 15:45
Tesla Re-Hires Some Of The 500 Workers It Laid Off Its Supercharging Team

It looks as though Elon Musk may have slightly overshot the mark with cost cutting at Tesla.

The company, which saw layoffs number in the tens of thousands so far this year, is now hiring back some of the 500 workers from its Supercharger team it let go, according to Autoblog/Bloomberg

Max de Zegher, the director of charging for North America, has returned to his role, according the report. This move follows the termination of Rebecca Tinucci, the senior director, and most of the charging team by Elon Musk last month.

The electric vehicle industry was shaken by Musk's abrupt dissolution of the charging team, as Tesla’s Superchargers have been considered one of the company's most strategic assets.

Since the introduction of its first Superchargers in September 2012, Tesla has expanded its network to include over 6,200 stations and 57,000 connectors globally. The extent of rehiring laid-off workers remains unclear, and both Musk and de Zegher have not commented on the matter.

As we have written about extensively, over the past year, Tesla has successfully persuaded competitors to adopt its charging plugs as a standard and has formed partnerships with major global manufacturers to allow access to its charging network.

Musk committed last week to invest more than $500 million this year to expand Tesla's charging network. Prior to this commitment, he had indicated a plan to slow down the addition of new chargers, focusing instead on the maintenance and efficiency of existing sites.

On May 10, the @TeslaCharging account on X — a social media platform owned by Musk — posted a message expressing gratitude to charging site hosts and suppliers for their patience during the company’s restructuring. De Zegher echoed this sentiment by reposting the message.

As Bloomberg notes, this isn't the first time Musk has "overdone it" with layoffs. In 2019, he reversed a decision to close most of Tesla's retail stores and move sales online after facing resistance from landlords, subsequently raising vehicle prices. A similar reversal occurred at Twitter in late 2022 when, after laying off about half of the workforce, Musk asked dozens of employees to return.

Recall, Tesla announced in April it was cutting over 10% of its 140,000-strong global workforce to prepare for a new phase of growth, according to CNBC.

Details on the layoffs were sparse, but in a company memo, Elon Musk said the move was part of a strategic shift towards robotaxi development, stepping away from plans for a more affordable electric vehicle.

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 15:45

Over Half Of Illegal Aliens In US Are Unemployed: Report

14 May 2024 at 15:25
Over Half Of Illegal Aliens In US Are Unemployed: Report

Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness,

A new report reveals that over half of the population of illegal aliens that have come into the United States under Joe Biden’s watch are unemployed, thus creating an even greater strain on the country.

As reported by Breitbart, the report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released on Monday revealed that only 46% of illegals who came to the U.S. “in 2022 or later” were employed at the start of 2024.

“Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” said CIS researchers Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler in the report.

“This was the case in the past, it is true today, and it will surely be the case for immigrants who arrive in the future. Those who simply see immigration as a source of labor need to understand it is also a source of school children, retirees, and many other non-workers.”

The numbers in CIS’s report appear to debunk one of the most common arguments used by advocates of mass migration and open borders, who claim that illegals must be brought into the country to fill jobs that American citizens will not do.

Furthermore, CIS reported that the population of illegals in the U.S. has risen by at least 6.6 million since Joe Biden first took power in January of 2021. As of March of this year, there are over 51.6 million foreign-born illegals in the country, an increase of approximately 5.1 million since 2022. This accounts for at least 15.6% of the entire population of the United States.

“Many advocates for the unauthorized argue they should be given work permits so they can support themselves while they await a court date,” the report noted.

“Of course, others worry that this would only incentivize more illegal immigration. In 2024, a larger share of new arrivals were unauthorized relative to prior years due to the ongoing border crisis.”

CIS previously released a study debunking the Biden Administration’s attempts at claiming that it has overseen job growth in recent years, as many of the new jobs created were filled by illegals rather than American citizens; the number of employed Americans has actually decreased under Biden’s watch, falling even below pre-COVID levels.

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 15:25

Another "Behemoth Solar Flare" Sparks Radio Blackout Across North America

14 May 2024 at 15:00
Another "Behemoth Solar Flare" Sparks Radio Blackout Across North America

After a weekend of the strongest solar storms to rock the planet in years, producing aurora across Europe, the United States, and as far as New Zealand, there is news the sun just burped its largest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25, according to space weather website Solarham

"The largest solar flare of the current solar cycle 25, and largest since 2017 was just observed around deparing AR 3664 off the west limb. The X8.7 event peaked at 16:51 UTC (May 14) causing a strong R3 level radio blackout directly over North America," Solarham wrote.

Solarham continued: "A filament located in the northeast quadrant erupted earlier today and produced a light bulb shaped CME. So far the blast appears to be headed mostly north of the Sun-Earth line. A further update will be provided whenever necessary."

NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center wrote this solar flare was the largest of the cycle cycle (and the 17th most intense solar flare ever recorded). They said the flare was a "behemoth X8.7-class flare let loose from the very infamous parting Active Region 3664. It is the most intense flare seen since 2017."

The largest solar flare of the current solar cycle (and the 17th most intense solar flare ever recorded!) occurred momentarily ago as a behemoth X8.7-class flare let loose from the very infamous parting Active Region 3664. It is the most intense flare seen since 2017. #spacewx

— Space Weather Watch (@spacewxwatch) May 14, 2024

SWPC highlighted some good news: the solar flare was not directly facing Earth.

No, and that’s the interesting thing—it may have been even more intense if it wasn’t partially eclipsed. Storms launched from this region aren’t very likely to get Earth but the radiational / X-ray piece still is

— Space Weather Watch (@spacewxwatch) May 14, 2024

One X user responded to SWPC:

"If this happened when this group was earth-facing, during all the other craziness, this could have been remarkably bad." 

If this happened when this group was earth facing, during all the other craziness, this could have been remarkably bad

— Michael Puscar (@michaelapuscar) May 14, 2024

About one year ago, solar physicist Alex James at the University of College London warned that the sun's increase in solar activity was a sign that the solar maximum could arrive much sooner than anticipated. 

All this evidence suggests that Solar Cycle 25 is "going to peak earlier, and it's going to peak higher than expected," James said. 

Here is a graph of Solar Cycle 25.

In 2016, the federal government became increasingly serious about potential grid-down events produced by solar storms with an executive order signed by the Obama Administration titled "Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events."

While the nation's power grid, SpaceX's Starlink satellite constellation, and other communication networks involving space-based transmission all survived the weekend solar blast, some disruptions were reported, including GPS and short-wave radio. 


Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 15:00

Peter Schiff: All Inflation Has One Source

14 May 2024 at 14:40
Peter Schiff: All Inflation Has One Source


Last week, Peter appeared on This Week in Mining with Jay Martin. Jay and Peter discuss the state of the economy, the government’s assault on sound money, and why the mining sector constitutes a good investment.

Early on in the interview, Peter lays out the dilemma the Federal Reserve will face in the near future:

Inflation is going to get much stronger as the economy weakens and enters recession... Then the Fed has to choose, and it’s going to be at the point where it’s damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t. But it’s going to have to make a choice, a very unpopular choice. Does it fight inflation, which means much higher rates than the rates we have now (the rates we have now are not high enough)?

Does the Fed hike rates even though there’s a recession and even though the hikes will make this recession worse and potentially cause a massive financial crisis?

...Or will the Fed ignore the inflation problem and try to rescue the economy by creating more inflation?

As the government continues to grow and encroach on individual liberty, Peter explains what would happen if gold is ever outlawed, as it was in the 1930s:

“There always will be a market. If it’s illegal, then there’s a black market. People sell all kinds of drugs in this country, and they’re not legal. But there are plenty of buyers. It just means the market is underground, and of course, even if it’s illegal in America, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be illegal in every country, so there will be plenty of legal gold markets. If they ever make it illegal to own gold, the one thing you want to own is gold. They’re not going to make it illegal because nobody wants it and the price is really low, right? They’re going to make it illegal because everybody is buying gold and it’s really expensive.”

They also discuss central bank digital currencies, the latest fad in authoritarianism:

“The more power you give to the government to interfere with the economy, the worse the economy is going to be, because you don’t want the government to interfere at all. The smaller the government, the better. But central bank digital currencies are just a way to make government a lot bigger and a lot more powerful and a lot more intrusive and a lot more oppressive, and so I don’t want it! Actually, ideally, I don’t want the government involved in money at all. I think it should just be created by the private sector.”

It’s important that citizens recognize the true cause of inflation:

“People don’t realize that the government is the source of inflation. And Wall Street and academia helped fool the public by talking about inflation as if it were rising prices. And they talk about ‘food price inflation,’ ‘healthcare inflation,’ ‘housing inflation,’ right? All this stuff is designed to push the blame for inflation onto the farmer, onto businesses, onto labor unions. All inflation has only one source, and that’s government.”

Both Jay and Peter see opportunity in the mining sector, especially if gold stays on its current trajectory:

“If all of a sudden a lot of gold that is unprofitable to mine at, let’s say even $2300 an ounce, when gold is $5000, $10000, wherever it’s going to be, even though the costs of mining will have gone up, they’re not going to go up anywhere near that proportion. So I think [gold] reserves that may be valued at zero are going to be worth billions of dollars on the books of these companies. So I think that’s a huge call option that’s free in these gold mining stocks.”

Royalty companies like Franco-Nevada offer investors additional protection from rising costs in the mining sector at the expense of reduced exposure to the price of gold:

“Look at the leader, Franco-Nevada. I mean look at where Franco-Nevada was 10 years ago, and look at where it’s at today. It’s a huge gain! But then look at Barrick and Newmont and all these other stocks— they’re lower than they were 10 years ago. Why? Because they got killed by rising costs. But Franco-Nevada didn’t have to deal with the costs. They just got the benefit of the rising price.

Listeners interested in the mining sector will especially enjoy this interview, so make sure to watch the entire program at VRIC Media.

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 14:40

Clearing Demand

14 May 2024 at 14:00
Clearing Demand

By Ahmed Bin Sulayem

Since its establishment in 2005, the Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation (DCCC) has been the central counterparty for clearing and settlement services to the Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX). Emerging as the largest clearing house in the MENA region by volume, DCCC is now poised to play a far more multinational role in line with the transition of economic power from west to east, while providing a broader range of products and services.

Why the DCCC?

As a wholly owned subsidiary of DGCX, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubai Multi Commodities Centre, DCCC’s success may have started out of functionality, but has since expanded to provide a streamlined mechanism for its members with numerous competitive advantages. Outside of providing guaranteed settlement and reduced counterparty risk, DCCC also offers the advantages of transacting and clearing business within the UAE, thus benefiting from a strong and safe business and regulatory environment. For greater transparency and predictability, DCCC also operates a simplified fee structure that applies to all clearing members, including identical margins regardless of commercial or non-commercial status. Overlapping across Asian, European and U.S. trading hours, DCCC’s robust regulation, under the Securities & Commodities Authority (SCA), recognition by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Bank of England, and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and membership of CCP Global have further minimised systemic risk, while enhancing efficiency for its clients. Providing clearing and settlement services for derivative contracts across four asset classes, namely base and precious metals, hydrocarbons, currencies, and equities, DCCC’s consistent investment in state-of-the-art risk management systems, such as ActiveRisk, have enhanced its regulatory compliance in line with the Principles for Financial Markets Infrastructure (PFMI) and technical standards under European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR). As a result, DCCC has achieved several notable milestones since its launch, including clearing 175,690,385 contracts between 2005 – 2023, while becoming one of the most prominent offshore exchanges for INR Futures and the first Shari’ah-compliant spot gold contract exchange. By working with a list of approved clearing banks, DCCC trades an extensive list of currency pairs that require physical delivery on all open positions, with most currencies being settled in USDs. As an additional transparency measure, delivery of the Shari’ah Spot Gold contract takes place through DMCC’s Tradeflow, a dedicated online platform for registering ownership of commodities and their subsequent transfers.

A Change In Economic Supply and Demand

As the world’s reserve currency for almost eighty years, DCCC’s historic default for settling contracts in U.S. dollars has always made sense. As a functional currency in most economies, even heavily sanctioned ones such as Russia, the U.S. dollar remains a stalwart for trade and commerce, however, in recent years its influence has waned through a culmination of geopolitical and geostrategic shifts, particularly in the currency and oil & gas markets.

According to Meera Chandan, Co-Head of the Global FX Strategy research team at J.P. Morgan, “Overall dollar usage has declined, but it remains within long-run ranges and its share remains elevated compared to other currencies. The dollar’s transactional dominance remains top-of-class despite secular declines in U.S. trade shares. On the other hand, de-dollarization is evident in FX reserves, where the dollar’s share has declined to a record low of 58%.”

Twilight of the Petrodollar

Where oil & gas is concerned, J.P. Morgan’s Head of Global Commodities Strategy, Natasha Kaneva commented, “The U.S. dollar, one of the key drivers of global oil prices, appears to be losing its once powerful influence.” Highlighting how oil & gas has continued to follow the path of least resistance, Kaneva went on to say, “Crucially, Russian oil is now either sold in the local currencies of the buyers or in the currencies of countries that Russia perceives as friendly.” Supporting Kaneva’s position, a J.P Morgan de-dollarisation report went on to say, “Major Russian commodity producers have started issuing bonds in yuan. In September 2022, state-owned oil company Rosneft made a public offering of 10 billion yuan in bonds, followed by a second tranche of 15 billion yuan in March 2023.”

As a movement that is by no means limited to Russia, other countries appear to be following suit. As illustrated in the same report: “Some Indian refiners have begun paying for Russian oil purchased via Dubai-based traders in dirhams, while others are considering doing so in yuan. Saudi Arabia is reportedly exploring the acceptance of payments in other currencies.”

While some may identify de-dollarisation as a recurrent, post-war theme, there is growing sentiment that the carrot of seizing some measure of inflationary control and the stick of sanctions means a complete incentivisation for nations to follow through for an alternative. Not only are there widespread concerns about the United States’ reckless domestic policies on printing money, but its treatment of Russia as a cautionary tale of the sort of disruption less resource-rich, dollar dependent nations could face. As highlighted by Thomas Fazi, the freezing of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves, “violated an almost sacred principle: the neutrality of international reserves”. Even more indicatively, many countries didn’t follow suit in applying sanctions, but instead “quietly started strengthening their ties with Russia and China in an effort to reduce their dependence on the dollar-centric system”. Good examples include Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina, which since July 2023, have been paying for imports and exports using Chinese renminbi, or Indian Oil’s rupee payment for a million barrels from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in the same month.

Return of the Gold Rush

As a further indicator of global sentiment, the en masse gold rush of the world’s central banks, particularly in the face of a strong dollar and falling inflation expectations, would suggest many macroeconomies believe now is a good time to hedge. Led by China, which has been stockpiling gold for 17 consecutive months, other nations including Singapore and Poland have also been buying in large quantities, propelling the price to USD 2,430 per ounce, with many gold bugs anticipating highs beyond USD 3,000 before the next business cycle shift. Amid the global uncertainty, those buying gold are also cautious about where it should be kept. Again, driven by the U.S.-led sanctions against Russia, “an increasing number of countries are repatriating gold reserves as protection against the sort of sanctions imposed by the West on Russia”, according to an Invesco survey of central bank and sovereign wealth funds published in July last year. As a result, the survey showed a “substantial share” of central banks were concerned by the precedent that had been set with 68 per cent of respondents stating they will be keeping their reserves at home, compared to 50 per cent in 2020.

A Centralised, Trustworthy, Apolitical Ecosystem

With the global economies in a state of transition, the UAE has emerged as a centralised destination for people and businesses. Whether through companies establishing trading hubs, or HNWIs hedging their assets and or liabilities in a transparent jurisdiction, the UAE has achieved a state of global neutrality, while offering considerable advantages for its residents and investors. As illustrated by H.E Abdulla bin Touq, the UAE’s Minister of Economy, "The UAE has established itself as a leading global financial hub that offers all enablers for success for the business sector, investors, and start-ups from around the world. This was made possible by a resilient economic legislative ecosystem, a competitive, attractive, and stable business environment and the further development of infrastructure to be among the best globally." Commenting on the back of the announcement that UAE business licenses linked to creative activities alone had reached 932,000 registrations by the end of H1 2023, similar figures were echoed throughout the UAE’s free zone communities. DMCC achieved record growth with 2,692 new companies joining its community, accounting for 11 per cent of Dubai’s total FDI inflows in 2023, while DCCC cleared a total value of more than USD 115bn.

A Catalyst for Change

As a result, DCCC finds itself in the unique position of being the only regional institution that can transparently handle the clearing and settlement services for bullion, oil & gas, and currency pairs, while retaining the ability to create new products in line with both local and international demand. A great example of this being the recent launch of the GCC’s first Shari’ah compliant Silver Spot Contract. With many different global banks and brokerage houses already listed as clients, DCCC’s highly regulated environment also means significant advantages and or opportunities for its members, specifically across the asset classes mentioned. Most importantly, however, DCCC has no restrictions when it comes to creating any number or types of product for any market, providing the necessary localised permissions are granted. As a result, it offers a significant advantage over its peers when it comes to creating versatile, market-led products that may fall into high demand in the short to mid-term. 

For gold, DCCC not only provides the clearing and settlements services, but by extension a secure and accessible destination in which to keep it. Home to the MENA region’s largest vault and several of the world’s largest refiners, DMCC also works closely with logistical operators such as Brinks and Transguard, while Dubai’s two international airports mean fast and direct access either for import or export purposes. Supported by its Tradeflow system, Dubai is already home to 25 per cent of the world’s gold trade, while the volume of gold contracts cleared through DCCC exceeded USD 4.97bn in 2023.

For currencies, as mentioned, DCCC has zero restrictions in creating new currency products, meaning its ability to launch new pairings, with the express permission of each sovereign state and the necessary, regulatory approvals. This could further extend to provide investment opportunities for either gold-backed currencies in the future or even a basket of currencies made of the BRICS+ nations, which could be priced in accordance with GDP.

For oil & gas, as already illustrated through India’s accelerating CEPA-based relationship with the UAE, DCCC is also ready for countries to purchase hydrocarbon products to be settled in their domestic currencies, thereby cutting transaction costs by eliminating dollar conversions.

A Business-First Environment

While much of the world has continued towards greater uncertainty, the UAE has worked on creating greater security through a highly regulated, safe, and secure destination that upholds the traditional requirements of transparent business under the rule of international law. Since departing FATF’s grey list earlier this year, business has continued to surge, while its international ranking for safety and trustworthiness continues to rise. This includes its recognition as one of the most trusted countries in the world according to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report.

With 2024 tipped not just as an election year, but “perhaps the election year” according to Time, the fact that 64 nations, plus the European Union all head to the polls will indisputably lead to greater volatility. This, coupled with the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, has already resulted in more countries and institutional investors seeking not just a place to weather the storm but prepare for what lies ahead. In this capacity, DCCC and its parent companies represent one of the last safe harbours that are prepared for business-as-usual, no matter the outcome.  

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 14:00

Cocoa Market Hit With Second Crash In Weeks As Liquidity Evaporates 

14 May 2024 at 13:40
Cocoa Market Hit With Second Crash In Weeks As Liquidity Evaporates 

Cocoa futures in New York crashed for the second time in just days as liquidity evaporated, and a new weather forecast points to improved weather conditions for top producers of the bean in West Africa.

The most active cocoa contract in New York plunged 19% on Monday, recovering some losses on Tuesday, up about 5%. This followed the cocoa crash on May 1 of 18%. 

Cocoa prices are retracing at the 61.8% Fibo level from this year's record surge from $4,000 a ton to $12,000. The rollercoaster price action continues to propel 60-day historical volatility higher.

Bloomberg said the driver in the latest cocoa crash was due to a weather forecast of increased "rainfall boosting the outlook for crops" and "low open interest in cocoa markets." 

Donald Keeney, senior meteorologist at Maxar Technologies, said rains "should improve conditions quite a bit" across Ghana, the world's second-biggest grower, and Indonesia. He said the top producer, Ivory Coast, will also receive rainfall, adding that more precipitation is needed to reverse arid conditions across the world's top-producing cocoa farms. 

More from Bloomberg: 

A lack of moisture in top West African cocoa producers has weighed on supply in a market already hit by aging trees and disease. Prices saw a 9% recovery last week, with money managers boosting their net-bullish bets to a three-week high. Still, some expect that a record price set in mid-April will mark the peak of the historic rally.

Producers in Ivory Coast are worried that thunderstorms may pluck off the few flowers on trees and hamper plant growth. The mid-crop harvest is small in southeast Ivory coast compared with last year. Rains are making it difficult to transport beans to Ivorian cities, while smuggling is still taking place across the border to take advantage of better prices. In Cameroon, bean theft is an increasing problem. That's prompting farmers to dry beans for a shorter period, which may impact quality. In southeast Nigeria, the rains have ensured that the soil is getting its moisture back. In the southwest, trees are yet to respond to the rains. The delay in flowering is the result of the use of the wrong anti-fungal chemicals by farmers in previous years, one grower in Ondo state said.

Days ago, Rabobank analyst Paul Joules said cocoa prices have likely peaked: 

"A combination of weakening global demand and production responses, particularly from countries without a fixed farmgate price, will help alleviate the pronounced uncertainty baked into current futures pricing," Joules said. 

Still, "it's likely that inflated cocoa prices will stick around for the next few years," he noted, adding prices are unlikely to return to "normal" levels quickly but have passed their peak. 

Remember what Bloomberg's Javier Blas warned about last month:

Liquidity in cocoa markets is quickly evaporating.

The number of outstanding contracts (open interest) in New York and London combined has tumbled 40% since mid-January. NY open interest is at a 12-year low.#cocoa #chocflation

— Javier Blas (@JavierBlas) April 9, 2024

Meanwhile, commodity trader Pierre Andurand stands by his $20,000 price target for later this year. 

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 13:40

Moving Average Crossovers Suggest The Bull Is Back

14 May 2024 at 13:20
Moving Average Crossovers Suggest The Bull Is Back

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

While there is much debate over whether another bear market is imminent, weekly moving average crossovers suggest a different outcome for now. There are many current concerns, from geopolitical risk to still inverted yield curves, slowing economic growth, high interest rates, and inflation. Yet, despite those concerns, markets are flirting with all-time highs.

While 5% money market yields are certainly enticing, investors often need to step back from the “doomsday” dripping headlines. Given that one of our behavioral investing traits is “loss avoidance,” it is easy to talk ourselves into an overly cautionary position. The mistake is that while alleviating our short-term emotional concerns, it can lead to a significant wealth impairment in the long term.

Therefore, it is often worth digging ourselves out of the media headlines and focusing on what the market tells us. After all, the stock market has a long track record of leading the economy by 6-9 months. To explain this, start with the chart of the S&P 500 index below and notice those interesting blue dots.

What Did The Market Know?

Yes, those market dots represent stock market peaks. However, why did the stock market top at those particular points?

Let’s take a look at the data below of real (inflation-adjusted) economic growth rates:

Each of the dates above shows the economy’s growth rate immediately before the onset of a recession. The table above notes that in 7 of the last 10 recessions, real GDP growth was 2% or above. In other words, according to the media, there was NO indication of a recession.

But the next month, one began.

With that understanding,let’ss return to those”“interesting blue dot”” in the S&P 500 chart above. Each dot represents the market peak before the onset of a recession. The S&P 500 peaked and turned lower in nine of ten instances before a recession was recognized, anywhere from 6 to 16 months later.

The crucial point is that the stock market was signaling a coming recession in the months ahead, but the economic data didn’t reflect it. (The only exception was 1980 when they coincided in the same month.) The table below shows the date of the market peak and real GDP versus the start of the recession and GDP growth at that time.

The problem for investors is waiting for the data to catch up.

Moving Average Signals

Understanding that the market tends to lead the economy by six months or more, we can use longer-term market signals to help us navigate the risk of a recessionary downturn.

We have produced a weekly”“risk range repor”” in the Bull Bear Report for several years. That report contains several measures of analysis, as shown below.

  • The table compares the relative performance of each sector and market to the S&P 500 index.

  • “MA XVE”” (Moving Average Crossover) is determined by the short-term weekly moving average crossing positively or negatively with the long-term weekly moving average.

  • The risk range is a function of the month-end closing price and the”“bet”” of the sector or market. (Ranges reset on the 1st of each month)

  • The table shows the price deviation above and below the weekly moving averages.

For this analysis, we will focus on the far right column. Every major market and sector (except for the U.S. dollar) is currently on a bullish moving average crossover. Given this is weekly data, it is slower to move, which tends to provide better signals for both increasing and reducing portfolio risk.

A Simple Chart

However, are these signals useful in safeguarding against the onset of a recession or just a more protracted market downturn like the one we saw in 2022? The chart below uses a simple weekly moving average crossover analysis to determine where investors should consider increasing or reducing risk to equity exposure.

In 2000 and 2008, the moving average crossover signal warned investors that a recessionary onset was coming 9 and 12 months ahead of actual recognition. The weekly moving average signals also triggered a sell signal in early 2022 ahead of the ~20 decline, although the NBER has not recognized a recession yet.

Notably, these signals are not always perfect. The drawdown was so swift in 2020 during the pandemic shutdown that the signals to reduce and increase exposure coincided with the market. However, paying attention to these moving average signals over the longer term can provide investors with a valuable roadmap to follow.

Bullish Buy Signals Tend To Be Correct

Returning to the”“risk range repor”” above, a review of late 2021 warned our readers that market deterioration was increasing. The report below is from the October 6th, 2022, Bull Bear Report:

“The selling pressure continued this week, taking almost every sector and market into double-digit deviations below long-term weekly moving averages. Such extremes are not sustainable, and when all markets and sectors are this oversold, a reflexive rally becomes highly probable.”

The table below shows that almost every sector and market had bearish moving average sell signals triggered. At the time, however, media headlines were filled with “death of the dollar,” recession warnings, and bear market alerts. However, such negative extremes are often coincident with market bottoms.

Furthermore, investor sentiment and allocations were likewise extremely negative.

Of course, as we now know in hindsight, October 2022 marked the bottom of the market, and the recession predictions have faded into the midst.

The market has recovered since then, and those bearish moving average sell signals have reversed to bullish buy signals. As discussed in this past weekend’s Bull Bear Report, while the market is overbought, and consolidation or correction is likely, with every major equity and bond market on bullish buy signals, the market is not predicting the onset of a recession.

Furthermore, investor sentiment and allocations are also bullish, which supports higher prices.

Corrections Tend To Opportunities

Does this mean that markets will be devoid of any short-term corrections? Of course not. We just experienced a 5.5% correction in April. Furthermore, corrections during market advances happen every year and tend to be opportunities to increase equity exposure as needed.

While some unexpected, exogenous events could send markets reeling, the market has a long history of anticipating recessionary onsets well before economists and the mainstream media recognize them.

With the plethora of “armchair commentators” pointing at every piece of data as an indicator of economic doom to get more clicks and views, we suggest sitting back and paying attention to the markets. Given that the market represents a vast group of individuals analyzing every possible data point, the signals the market provides tend to be a more reliable signal to follow.

When those bullish weekly moving average buy signals begin to reverse, with one following another, we will know it’s time to become increasingly more conscious of risk.

As of now, the market suggests that sitting in cash may be a mistake when it comes to reaching retirement goals.

Tyler Durden Tue, 05/14/2024 - 13:20


By: RBN Staff
14 May 2024 at 13:46
source:  blacklistednews Published: May 14, 2024 SOURCE: 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD The fast approaching Presidential election will be far more difficult to steal this time around, and thus will require ever more drastic measures to subvert the will of the voters. The 4th Branch of the United States Government, which happens to be the
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Pro-Life Senator Launches New Bill to Help Pregnant Women in Need

14 May 2024 at 17:07

Last Thursday, Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) teamed up with fellow Republican Senators Kevin Cramer (ND) and Marco Rubio (FL) to unveil the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) Act aimed at giving pregnant women a federally-backed “clearinghouse” of resources — called — for “expecting and postpartum moms, as well as those with young children,” and create grants for caregiving organizations helping women enter the world of parenting.

Along with expanding child support to include a woman’s pregnancy, a press release from the senators said the MOMS Act would “provide critical support to women during typically challenging phases of motherhood – prenatal, postpartum, and early childhood development – and bolster access to resources and assistance to help mothers and their children thrive.”

Not surprisingly, the far-left, abortion-loving liberal media have decided to be as focused on defeating this pro-life bill with misinformation as they were about pushing women to murder their unborn children.

In story after story, the liberal media have claimed the bill would create a database of women currently pregnant for the federal government – in some liberal dystopia/twisted fantasy – to surveil women to prevent abortions. The problem? It’s all voluntary and shy from divulging one’s location.

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The Guardian went full send with a headline beyond parody: “Katie Britt proposes federal database to collect data on pregnant people; Republican US senator from Alabama best known for delivering widely ridiculed State of the Union speech in March”.

Writer Léonie Chao-Fong doubled down with a disregard for biology, claiming without evidence the bill “create[s] a federal database to collect data on pregnant people” by having them “enter their personal data and contact information.”

Chao-Fong also whined: “[t]he bill specifically forbids any entity that ‘performs, induces, refers for, or counsels in favor of abortions’ from being listed in the database, which would in effect eliminate swaths of OB-GYN services and sexual health clinics across the country.”

Yes, Léonie, the point is to give women facing sudden pregnancies options beyond abortion. and longtime Rachel Maddow producer Steve Benen piled on in a story whining about the bill giving federal funds to pro-life pregnancy crisis centers and pedaled the lie about HHS becoming a surveillance agency

The tools at HuffPost did the same in a piece with the headline “Critics Rip Sen. Katie Britt For Celebrating Moms With ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Like Proposal” and hilariously then referred to women as “pregnant people”.

Yahoo! News promptly cross-posted this under the same headline.

Salon and Raw Story weren’t going to be left out either. Cue the laugh tracks for the latter’s headline: “Katie Britt shredded for ‘Handmaid’s Tale’-type proposal to ‘register’ pregnant women”.

At Salon, they melted down at women even being told groups that support women and babies exit: “The bill also outlines the creation of a database of ‘pregnancy support centers,’ or crisis centers, which critics say provide women with misleading information in an effort to keep them from having abortions.”

Someone call GLAAD on HuffPost, NBC, Raw Story, and the like for using the term “pregnant women!”

Now, for the facts. Here was a piece from the (now digital-only) Alabama newspaper conglomerate

Britt spokesman Sean Ross said users are not required to register or log in to the site to search for resources. The website will not ask for the user’s pregnancy status or for personally identifiable information.

“These social media posts are intentionally, flagrantly false,” Ross said.

Website users could voluntarily enter their contact information if they wanted personal follow up from a staff member at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Those services would also be available to friends and family members who are not pregnant if an individual was worried about sharing her information with the website. The website would invite users to take an assessment and provide consent to be contacted.

The website would not require people to take the assessment to receive more information about local resources, Ross said.

“Through the website, anyone can view the relevant resources in a given locale without disclosing any personally identifiable information to the government,” Ross said.

The headline, however, only met Britt halfway with a scoffing headline: “Claims that bill would create registry of pregnant women ‘flagrantly false,’ says staff for Alabama Sen. Katie Britt.”

LifeNews Note: Curtis Houck writes for Newsbusters, where this column originally appeared.

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China’s Massive Underpopulation Crisis: China’s Birth Rates are 50% Below Replacement Rate

14 May 2024 at 16:16

The West has long been obsessed with China. In the 19th century, the Middle Kingdom was dominated and debauched by Western trading companies, backed by Western militaries, pushing drugs into China. Remember the Opium Wars? Those uppity Chinese had the effrontery to destroy the British India Company’s opium and try to eradicate addiction. That was China’s century of humiliation.

Now the shoe is on the other foot. China has roared past the collective West in so many metrics. The global industrial base has shifted to Asia. Deadly fentanyl coming into the United States used to flow from China, but now they make the stuff in Mexico and ship it north.

For years, the Chinese economy has been significantly larger than that of the US in the benchmark that counts: purchasing power parity. That is the “measure of the price of specific goods… to compare the absolute purchasing power of the countries’ currencies.”

Conventional wisdom is that as China rises, the US fades. On the surface, that seems to be the case: the US wallows in debt and endless wars while China makes friends through the Belt and Road Initiative, BRICS and other mechanisms.

But not so fast. Remember that old saw, “demography is destiny”? The future belongs to those who show up, and by every projection, there will be a lot fewer Chinese around in the coming decades.

China falling?

America’s pre-eminent imperial mouthpiece, Foreign Affairs, just posted Nicholas Eberstadt’s thought-provoking “East Asia’s Coming Population Collapse: And How It Will Reshape World Politics”. Has Mr Eberstadt derailed the mythos of long-term Asian dominance?

As of 2023, Japan[’s]… childbearing levels are over 40 percent below the replacement rate. China’s childbearing levels are almost 50 percent below the replacement rate; if that trend continues, each rising Chinese generation will be barely half as large as the one before it. Much the same is true for Taiwan.


South Korea’s 2023 birth level was an amazing 65 percent below the replacement rate — the lowest ever for a national population in peacetime. If it does not change, in two generations South Korea will have just 12 women of childbearing age for every 100 in the country today.

East Asia… is set to shrink by two percent between 2020 and 2035. Between 2035 and 2050, it will contract by another six percent — and thereafter by another seven percent for each successive decade (if current trends hold).

If projections hold, China’s working-age population will be more than 20 percent smaller in 2050 than in 2020. Japan’s and Taiwan’s will be about 30 percent smaller, and South Korea will be over 35 percent smaller.

Grim. The Asians know it. Eberstadt says that East Asia “is set on a course of decline that extends as far as the demographer’s eye can see.” Sadly, he is correct.

The Wisconsin professor

Though his field is obstetrics and gynecology, one of the most astute sinologists around is University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Yi Fuxian. Prof. Yi is as pro-Chinese as they come, but not a fan of China’s government. His book Big Country with an Empty Nest warns about China’s impending demographic implosion.

LifeNews Note: Louis T. March has a background in government, business, and philanthropy. A former talk show host, author, and public speaker, he is a dedicated student of history and genealogy. Louis lives with his family in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. This column originally appeared at MercatorNet.

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